Monday, January 14, 2013

Monthly Solo Exhibition Opportunity for 2013-2014

Saint Joseph's University
Philadelphia PA

The first six exhibitions of the school year are open to professional artists. If you would like to be considered for a show, please submit the following:
~ Twenty JPEGS. No more than five detail shots. Title each file with your last name followed by the number in which you wish you images to be viewed. For example: Smith1, Smith2, Smith3, etc. No powerpoint presentations.
~ Image list with numbers that correspond with your JPEGS. Include title, size, medium and year. Include this on the disc and a hard copy as well.
~ Resume with mailing address, email address and phone number. Include this on the disc and a hard copy as well.
~ Artist's statement. Include this on the disc and a hard copy as well.
~ Self-addressed stamped envelope only if you would like your disc returned.

Mail to:

Saint Joseph's University
Boland Hall
5600 City Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19131-1395
Attn: Open Call

The deadline for submission is January 31 for the following school year schedule. The Exhibitions Committee reviews the work and the artists are notified by the end of February. We consider work in all media and all subject matter. Regretfully, we do not pay for shipping so please keep this in mind when applying.
