A Feminist Dialogue Across Generations
Sensei Gallery
278 Grand Street, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10002 (btwn Eldridge & Forsyth St.)
Friday, January 23, 2014 from 6 – 8 pm
Discussing the various influences we have had over the years which have affected our life
and our art, examining the personal is political.
REPRESENT 2015: What do we want from Feminism and how can we achieve it? Continuing in the tradition of the New York Feminist Art Institute, NYFAI (1979-1990)
For further information contact: Nancy Azara @ 917-572-7461
A Feminist Dialogue Across Generations
Sensei Gallery
278 Grand Street, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10002 (btwn Eldridge & Forsyth St.)
Friday, January 23, 2014 from 6 – 8 pm
Discussing the various influences we have had over the years which have affected our life
and our art, examining the personal is political.
REPRESENT 2015: What do we want from Feminism and how can we achieve it? Continuing in the tradition of the New York Feminist Art Institute, NYFAI (1979-1990)
For further information contact: Nancy Azara @ 917-572-7461