Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor - Painting or Drawing (Studio Art)

New York, NY
Full Time
Performs teaching, research and guidance duties in area(s) of expertise. Shares responsibility for committee and department assignments including administrative, supervisory, and other functions.

The department seeks a candidate in the field of Studio Art (specialization in Painting or Drawing) to teach a range of studio and art theory courses including Color and Design, Drawing, Life Drawing, and Painting. Participate in department and college activities such as curriculum development for a two-year program, grant writing, assessment, faculty development, and mentoring student projects. Productive creative scholarship expected. Evening/weekend schedule may be required.


Ph.D. degree in area(s) of experience or equivalent. Also required are the ability to teach successfully, demonstrated scholarship or achievement, and ability to cooperate with others for the good of the institution.

For Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor:
For appointment in Studio Art, an MFA and professional portfolio are required. Also required is the ability to teach successfully, demonstrate creative achievement, and the ability to cooperate with others for the good of the institution. For Associate or Full Professor, the candidate must have a record of significant achievement in the field.

Three years college teaching experience preferred. Experience with instructional technology an asset. Experience in art education or art administration is desirable, but not a requisite.


Assistant Professor: $42,873 - $74,133
Associate Professor: $55,602 - $88,418
Professor: $68,803 - $106,071


Contact: Borough of Manhattan Community College
Online App. Form:https://home.cunyfirst.cuny.edu/psp/cnyepprd/GUEST/HRMS/c/HRS_HRAM.HRS_CE.G BL?FolderPath=PORTAL_ROOT_OBJECT.HC_HRS_CE_GBL2&IsFolder=false&IgnoreParamT empl=FolderPath%2cIsFolder