Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Nida Art Colony on the Baltic Sea Coast: Call for Summer-Autumn Residency Applications and Proposals for Symposium on Remoteness

Nida Art Colony invites artists, designers, architects, curators, and art researchers to meet the coming summer and autumn on the Baltic Sea coast in the Curonian Spit National Park. The Colony was opened in March 2011 as a new branch of the Vilnius Academy of Arts (Lithuania). 

The Nida Art Colony's remote location and beautiful surrounding landscape provide the time and inspiring solitude missing from modern urban life. A residency in Nida will meet your expectations if:
● the intensity of urban life—curators, openings, presentations—consumes all of your time and leaves you without energy to concentrate on artistic practice;
● you are working with site-specific projects involving local communities, reflecting on the natural and/or cultural environment;
● you love coincidences and want to meet artists from all over the world in order to collaborate with them now or in the future;
● you need a large space for experiments—the whole forest and beach can be your studio.

Deadline for residency applications: February 15, 2012
Dates and duration of the residencies: 1 to 4 months between June 1 and December 31, 2012. The recommended duration of a residency is 2 months.

Costs: Studio and living space rent is 412 Eur/month (June–September) and 312 Eur/month (October–December), including all taxes, use of equipment, communal spaces, bicycles and the minivan.

Grants: No grants are currently available; selected candidates are issued a letter of support for individual grant seeking.

Conditions: The Colony provides the necessary living and social conditions to ensure a comfortable and unobtrusive coexistence of the five artists-in-residence. Each of the five residencies is set out on two floors with 65 sq. m of floor space and features all the necessary facilities. The colony is situated about 600 metres away from the sand dunes, and a short walk from the beach. For a list of available equipment, see www.nidacolony.lt

The symposium is a part of a project of the Baltic-Nordic Network of Remote Art & Residency Centers; however, it is open to participants from all over the world. Through the symposium we hope to build a network of remotely located centers, and learn different approaches to these unique places. For more information, and to see the other participating partners, please visit the project blog at remotenet.nidacolony.lt

The symposium is a 3-day-long event (May 17–20, May). The Contributors are invited to share their experiences working and living in remotely located art & residency centers; as directors and cultural managers, and as practicing artists and participants. We are looking forward to proposals from a variety of cultural disciplines on the theme of "remoteness", with an emphasis on community building, interaction with local inhabitants, and site specificity.

The format: The format is open; proposals can vary from lectures and workshops to performances and site-specific artworks. We are able to provide accommodation and catering to a limited number of participants. Travels expenses are subject to availability.

Deadline: Please send a short proposal (up to 500 words + visual material if needed) by March 31, 2012

Interested individuals, who would prefer to take part as audience members, may apply as "passive" participants by submitting a request with a short motivation letter. Unfortunately, we will be unable to cover your participation costs.
Documentation from the May 2011 Symposium can be found here.
To get a sense of Colony life and to see A.I.R. portfolios from Spring 2011 please check the Nida Art Colony Log at www.nidacolony.lt/images/log01.pdf
More information on facilities, activities and services at www.nidacolony.lt and on Facebook.